Stalk my blog

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Better than before

Assalammualaikum readers,
Changes ? I'm trying to change myself to be better than before this.Why ?  Life is too short because ''Kita mati juga, Masuk ke tanah juga''.  I know its not easy untuk berubah menjadi baik but at least step by step right . I'm not perfect, so are you.
Dulu aku tak pernah solat eventho im not in bustling situation. Teruk kan ? Hmm I know. But now, I don't know why I'm trying to strengthen the pillar of religion . At the same time, Alhamdulillah I have started praying eventho tak cukup lima waktu but yet I'm still trying to achieve it and I intent to change the direction of goodness.
Soooo I need to strengthen my faith . May Allah bless me.

Thanks for reading this kinda boring story but boring boring pun dah baca kan :p gotcha !